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Module semver-core

A Kotlin Multiplatform library to work with semantic versioning




A Version must match the following format:


patch and stage can be null.

Build a Version

There are 3 options to build a Version.

Passing a version: String




Passing a version: String and a stage: String?

Version("1.0.0", "alpha.1")

Version("12.23.34", "alpha.45")

Passing all params; major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int?, stage: String?, and num: Int?

Version(1, 0, 0)

Version(1, 0, 0, "alpha", 1)

Version(12, 23, 34, "alpha", 45)

Compare two Version

Version("1.0.1") > Version("1.0.0") // true 

Version("1.0.1") < Version("1.0.0") // false

Version("1.0.0") == Version("1.0.0") // true

Increase a Version

Version("2.4.6-alpha.1").inc(Version.Increase.Patch) // 2.4.7 (stage and num are removed)
Version("2.4.6").inc(Version.Increase.Patch) // 2.4.7
Version("2.4.6").inc(Version.Increase.Minor) // 2.5.0 (patch is reset to 0)
Version("2.4.6").inc(Version.Increase.Major) // 3.0.0 (minor and patch are reset to 0)

// minor and patch are reset to 0, stage and num are removed
Version("2.4.6-beta.4").inc(Version.Increase.Major) // 3.0.0

Copy a Version

Version("1.1.0-alpha.1").copy(major = 3) // 3.1.0-alpha.1